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by Rita Brhel on Aug 15, 2023

One year, two years, five years, 10 years...just what is the ideal spacing between siblings?

Every mom contemplating their second child wants to know the answer, but just try looking up an exact answer online or in a magazine or book. Most of these resources, if they choose to pinpoint an age gap, promote anywhere from two to five years as the best range, but no one can say for sure just what is best when it comes to the appropriate spacing between brothers and sisters.

The answer from many experienced parents is, it all depends.

Siblings with only a couple years or less between them will be more work in the early years but give siblings a playmate. Widely spaced children will give parents a break from the energy-intensive early years, but siblings may not be as closely bonded.

Sometimes it is easy to plan the number of years between children. For others, family planning can be difficult. Everybody has a different experience, but there may be more considerations to sibling spacing than you think:


All children need love, demonstrated through the development of a warm relationship with a parent and eventually between siblings. Sibling spacing, especially if closer in age, can affect sibling relationships if parents aren't prepared for the demands of caring for multiple small children. The new baby or an older sibling could feel "left out" of his parent's emotional attention, especially if the child isn't as assertive as his siblings or has a high-needs temperament.

A book that helped me to better understand the effect of sibling spacing on my family's relationships is The Five Love Languages of Children, in which author Gary Chapman writes: "...[N]one is more basic than the need for love and affection, the need to sense that he or she belongs and is wanted."

Adding another baby reduces your time with your older child, and she may act-out to communicate her need for closeness and connection. Parents can be conscious of this and take the child's cues, using empathy and understanding to reconnect. This will take time, patience, and consistency.

Also keep in mind your temperament and that of your children. For some children, a new baby can be an exciting adventure; for others, any change is difficult. The same holds true for parents, but it is how the child reacts to a new sibling and to the sibling spacing that is more influential on parents than their own adult temperament.

For more information on temperament, read this Nuturings blog post how we can make sense of child behavior or download this collection of articles on loving our unique children.  


Another book that I found helpful as I considered when to try having another baby is The Birth Order Book, in which author Kevin Leman writes: "In any family, a person's order of birth has a lifelong effect on who and what that person turns out to be."

He explains how birth goes hand-in-hand with siblings spacing in that the number of years between children, as well as their placing in the sibling line-up, has a lot to do with what sort of temperament that child develops: First-born, single, and last-born children all tend to be needier for parental attention and approval. The middle child, or the second-born in a two-child family, tends to be more laid-back and compromising to find ways to get along with the older- and younger-borns.

Because of his more passive temperament, the middle- or second-born child can be easily "forgotten" when it comes to giving attention and affection, Leman explains. He naturally compromises his need to get along. First- and last-borns, as well as singletons, become aggressive for their parents' attention if they feel they haven't received enough. 

"I have counseled many middle-borns who have told me they did not feel that special growing up,” Leman continues. “'My older brother got all the glory, and my little sister got all the attention, and then there was me' is a very familiar assessment. Somehow there just doesn't seem to be a great deal of parental awareness of the middle child's need for a spot in the pecking order."

Some parents try to space their children far enough apart to be certain the middle or second-born child has several years of parental attention before a new baby comes along, to ensure that this child has been able to develop an assertiveness to ask for more attention should he need it.

Another challenging sibling-spacing scenario is when two boys or two girls are born close together. This may be a twin pair or part of a triplet or siblings born within a year or two of one another. These siblings can either become the best of friends or overly competitive with each other.

To become good friends, one of the pair of same-gendered children must become the submissive sibling. In this case, Leman suggests that parents try to develop the more passive child's assertiveness. In a competitive pairing, parents often find it is better to help each child develop their own individual talents so they don't feel the need to compete with one another to be "the best."

In Siblings Without Rivalry, coauthors Adele Faber and Elaine Mazlish point out that the amount of attention given to children is less important when compared to how they are loved. It is impossible for parents to be able to give equal parts of love and attention to each of their children. Rather than trying to love them the same, parents should strive to love each of their children uniquely and to give each child the amount of attention she needs at that moment.


Sibling spacing and birth order aside, the most influence on whether our children form close relationships with one another is how we parent. 

Parents in warm relationships with their children use more non-coercive, positive discipline and less punishment-based discipline, according to a study by Southern Methodist University (USA). Their children tend to act-out less and have fewer signs of depression and anxiety. 

Concludes Leman: "The way parents treat their children is as important as their birth order, spacing, sex, and physical or mental characteristics. The key question is: Was the environment provided by the parents loving, accepting, and warm?"

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by Amber Strocel on Aug 07, 2023

My toddler, Jacob, is now 2 years and 2 months old. He breastfeeds several times a day, especially at naptime or at night. 

Nursing remains an important source of comfort for him, and yet I am slowly noticing shifts in Jacob's nursing patterns. 

At night now, I can often resettle him without nursing. On a few occasions, he has stopped playing, laid down, and fallen asleep all by himself without nursing. When we're out of the house or doing something fun, he can go hours and hours without nursing. I have noticed that my milk supply is slowly decreasing.

Jacob is not my first nursling. I weaned his older sister, Hannah, when she was two months shy of her third birthday.

No two children are the same. Hannah's nursing style was very different from Jacob's. She still nursed seven to eight times a day at 2 years old; Jacob was down to nursing five to six times a day at 18 months. Hannah refused to go to sleep without nursing until she was weaned; Jacob can easily settle into sleep with just a pat on the back.

I took an active role in Hannah's weaning when we reached a point where our breastfeeding relationship wasn't working for me. I started with partial weaning, using techniques like "don't offer, don't refuse." We worked together to find things to replace breastfeeding, both food and comfort measures. 

I was worried that weaning would change our relationship, but through my experience with Hannah, I've come to view weaning as just another step on the path of childhood if handled gently and respectfully. My daughter taught me that all of the groundwork laid through breastfeeding also laid the foundation for growth in our relationship when the time comes to take the next step. Those ties are strong. As babies grow into toddlers, they develop skills that help them to connect in other ways. They become more ready to leave nursing behind.

While I took a fairly active role in weaning Hannah, I can see that Jacob's breastfeeding may draw to a close on a different timetable and without my involvement. Honestly, I feel relieved at the prospect. 

I love breastfeeding, and I will look back on this time fondly, but I also love that my son is moving in new directions and finding new ways to relate to me. I am glad that he is finding his own way through that process, or at least appears to be.

The only sure thing about breastfeeding is that it will eventually end. This truth is bittersweet. 

There are a lot of unanswered questions about when and how, but I'm not sure that when and how breastfeeding ends are the most important questions. What's important are striving to honor everyone's needs as best I can and enjoying breastfeeding while it lasts. The happy memories I can take away from the time I spent nursing is my gift.

If you breastfed, how did weaning go for you? What do you feel when you find yourself looking back on breastfeeding? What do you enjoy about your relationship with your child now?

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by Rita Brhel on Aug 01, 2023

The core of our parenting is responding to our children with sensitivity. 

There are eight principles when it comes to raising our children, and responding to our children with sensitivity threads itself through all other areas of parenting including feeding with love and respect.

During this year's World Breastfeeding Week, Aug. 1-7, Nurturings recognizes that breastfeeding can be difficult in our society. It is hard to do something different than our family and friends, our social network prior to becoming parents, and to find a new support system for our choices. 

Our choices can only be choices when we have the support and resources in place to allow us to make them. 

It is hard to navigate new motherhood relatively alone, compared to other cultures where family rallies together to give the mother a babymoon, a time when Mom and baby can bond uninterrupted while housework and caring for other children are taken up by others in her life. 

It is hard to make the choice to return to work and then try to integrate a child care provider into our parenting.

It is hard to pump breastmilk while away from baby.

It is hard to continue to push through difficulties, whether it be a poor latch or milk supply issues or teething or night-waking, when so many others in our lives are trying to convince us to just give a bottle of formula.

But breastfeeding, like any parenting choice, is ultimately about responding with sensitivity to our babies. There are great nutritional and health benefits to feeding breastmilk, but what makes breastfeeding special enough for many mothers to continue despite societal pressure and their personal hurdles is that breastfeeding is more than a way to feed their babies: Breastfeeding offers the beginnings of a relationship with their child that cannot be replicated in any other way.

Every mother-baby pair is different, and while peer counselors and lactation professionals can offer help for various problems that arise, each situation is unique. Breastfeeding is not easy; it was designed so that a relationship is borne our of the effort: Each mother and her baby learning about each other and what works or not, the gaze between one another, the oxytocin rush each receives, the gentle discipline necessary in teaching baby not to bite or to eventually night-wean, the mother finding her balance while caring for her baby and learning to be flexible as baby grows and needs change. We can find a bit of each parenting principle within the act of breastfeeding. 

Breastfeeding behavior is very literally the embodiment of responding with sensitivity to our babies, and responding with sensitivity is a skill and artform that all mothers need no matter their child's age. 

However you chose to feed your baby, how do you respond with sensitivity to your baby?

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